
Showing posts with the label Car crash

Bad “Unvaccinated” Driver!

If they can’t get you “vaccinated” via a mandate, maybe they’ll be able to get you using the mafia. The  insurance  mafia. How? By citing a “study” – you know, The Science –  published  by the American Journal of Medicine, that associates not taking whatever drugs the government/corporations order you to take with  . . . a higher likelihood that you’ll wreck your car. Fortune  cites the study, which claims that the  un-drugged  (the proper term to use, as these drugs are not  vaccines  since  vaccines  prevent infection and stop transmissions – and these drugs do neither) are “72 percent more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash in which at least one person was transported to the hospital” than those who  have  been drugged. The premise of this claim is not, however, evidence that being un-drugged has a negative effect on driving competence. It is an oily assertion of correlation with not-following-the-rules (as regards traffic rules) and not following orders, as regards the