
Showing posts with the label "Fact" Checkers

‘Pre-bunking’ lies around biotech, the serial killer

‘Pre-bunking’ lies around biotech, the serial killer Guy Hatchard JEREMY Fleming, the head of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), one of three leading spy agencies in the UK, has  publicly discussed  the agency’s wish to promote ‘pre-bunking’ – feeding the public with information designed to undermine narratives before they even appear on social media. In other words, spy agencies originally tasked with monitoring events are now engaged in spreading propaganda about things that haven’t actually happened, and probably have been doing so for a long time. Fleming described pre-bunking as a process of issuing ‘public warnings’. This is, you will appreciate, a misuse of the term since the ‘public’ are not aware that they are hearing ‘warnings’. They are being fed information or denied access to information without being told who is ultimately controlling the narrative. This is happening all over the world, as revealed by  Elon Musk’s revelations about the role of the FBI in close

The Gaslighting of the Masses

The Gaslighting of the Masses CJ Hopkins For students of official propaganda, mind control, emotional coercion, and other insidious manipulation techniques, the rollout of the New Normal has been a bonanza. Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real-time on such a massive scale. In a little over two and a half years, our collective “reality” has been radically revised. Our societies have been radically restructured. Millions (probably billions) of people have been systematically conditioned to believe a variety of patently ridiculous assertions, assertions based on absolutely nothing, repeatedly disproved by widely available evidence, but which have nevertheless attained the status of facts. An entire fictitious history has been written based on those baseless and ridiculous assertions. It will not be unwritten easily or quickly. I am not going to waste your time debunking those assertions. They have been repeatedly, exh