Activism: A Write-off and Autopsy Dustin Broadbery Audio Version New Feature! Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. If Extinction Rebellion is the midlife crisis of activist causes , the war in Ukraine is the crack cocaine of moral high grounds. For those finely attuned to consensual reality, activism is the perfect oasis from which to emulate dissent, while keeping one’s head beneath the parapet. Gone are the old hellraisers on the left stickin’ it to the man. Instead, you have a bunch of snowflakes looking to extricate themselves from moral responsibility by signalling their righteousness, rather than embodying it. Activism, for want of a better word, has become an assembly point to a fire drill. A part-time hobby for those in the cultural backwaters who mistake hoax for reality and other people’s misfortune as their personal consolation . This innocent fun and games aside, however, the rebranding of groupthink in...