
Showing posts with the label Club of Rome

The Laughter of Wolves

  The Laughter of Wolves John Michael Greer As I write these words, lean gray wolves are pacing through a rain-soaked landscape in eastern Europe.  Dim rumbling sounds in the far distance, like summer thunder that’s strayed into the wrong season, don’t bother them. Nor does it trouble them that the forest around them is dotted with the decaying ruins of buildings abandoned half a century ago. Something else doesn’t disturb them, either, but we’ll get to that. Keep the wolves in mind as we proceed. Keep them in mind. It may seem like an improbable leap from wolves running through the forest to a flustered speech by one of the pampered darlings of the Western world’s corporate aristocracy, but there’s a connection. The pampered darling is Yuval Noah Harari, the chief intellectual of  the Davos set these days. I hope I won’t be accused of setting up a straw man if I mention that he’s a gay vegan atheist who practices mindfulness meditation and writes the kind of big-picture history books

The Brutal Crushing of the Lower 50%

  The Brutal Crushing of the Lower 50% towards a genuine democratic capitalism ELIZABETH NICKSON Last week the WEFers held their summer camp in China. More to come, they warned us. More pandemics, more catastrophic global warming, more inflation, hell on wheels, they promise us, Armageddon is coming. Be very afraid. The following was a particularly lovely event: “How to Stay Within Planetary Boundaries -  Carrot or Stick ?” which focused on whether to incentivize or force compliance with “climate goals”. It was hosted by some joker who edits a magazine called  Nature Energy,  no doubt funded by the WEF and read by exactly nobody. And some very  po-faced  morons of various colors, paid in the six figures, cited a bunch of falsified statistics ending with these pretty little paragraphs: “We are - broadly speaking - agreed that we need to get on track towards a net-zero, climate-safe and nature-positive future, but we know this will not be easy. And we’re going to need to change behaviour