
Showing posts from July 3, 2022

Jedburgh’s action...

A Hero MMS/3i's...  Even if he waited for the scoundrel and terrorist to be an EX-scoundrel and terrorist. He took the time and trouble to build his own gun... Imagine if he lived in the USofT?! Clearly there aren't Heroes like this one in the USofT.

Despite mass jabbing, we’re losing the First Covid War. Must we suffer a second?

Despite mass jabbing, we’re losing the First Covid War. Must we suffer a second? By Guy Hatchard The writer is in New Zealand NEW Zealand is ‘losing the arms race’ with the Covid virus, one of its leading epidemiologists has warned.   Professor Michael Baker revealed that in a recent period cases had increased by 50 per cent within nine days. In an  interview  with the  NZ Herald , he said: ‘It’s a dynamic, a battle between us and the virus and there are factors mainly favouring the virus.’ The article reported that hospitals were overwhelmed.  NZ data  shows that Covid cases and hospitalisations are decreasing among the unvaccinated, but increasing among the vaccinated. Incredibly, though, Baker called for new mRNA vaccines to be rolled out urgently.   By contrast, Professor John Gibson, an economist at Waikato University, has published a  paper  showing that not only are boosters ineffective, but the excess mortality in New Z...

Even when one realizes that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, the rest of the story still does not make sense

Even when one realizes that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, the rest of the story still does not make sense So I turn to you dear reader to help fill in the gaps Toby Rogers Jeffrey Sachs is the most esteemed economist of his generation. Hired by Harvard at the tender age of 26 he became a full professor with tenure at 28. Whoa. Over the last 40 years Sachs has had a hand in many of the biggest economic projects in the world — crushing inflation (and civil society) in Bolivia, advising the Russians on the transition to capitalism, crafting Millennium Development Goals for the U.N., and running the  Earth Institute  at Columbia. (For the record, Jeffrey Sachs blocked me on Twitter back in 2013 when I pointed out that he screwed up the transition to capitalism in Russia and created the  mafia oligarchs  who had already begun to destroy the world). Jeffrey Sachs is the ultimate insider, the golden boy that capital can always turn to in order to make things right so that they...

The Liberal Ayatolliad and the Covid Coup

The Liberal Ayatolliad and the Covid Coup The eclipse of ‘liberalism’ in the Covid assault was no accidental effect of transient confusion, but the inevitable outcome of the paradox that liberals desire to change man more than to free him. John Waters A question asked surprisingly rarely over the past two years of trampling on  the inheritance of classical European liberalism is:  Why no outcry ? If we were to judge purely on the degree of emphasis on these values over the course of our conscious lifetimes — be they long or short — from, say, the end of the Second World War to April Fool’s Day 2020, a matter of 75 years — we must surely think it strange, if not disquieting, that so much that was taken for granted could be abandoned with so little commotion.  In such an inventory, it would become clear that almost nothing but the basic needs of physical survival have seemed more important than individual freedom under various headings. Some of those hea...