
Showing posts with the label HARPA


I, ZOMBIE "This whole idea that [humans] have this soul or spirit, and they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside of me...that's over." Dr Yuval Noah Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek Our current situation, facing the threat of biological warfare In 2018, futurologist Dr. Ian Pearson told  The Sun  he believes humans are very close to achieving "immortality" – the ability to never die. "If you're under 40 reading this article,” he said, “you're probably not going to die unless you get a nasty disease." We know all about nasty diseases now, don’t we? We were exposed to one, or so they told us, for the past two and a half years. Those of us who resisted the assaults on our bodies and our minds and did our best to warn others about the dangers of compliance could only watch helplessly as the charade played itself out. The relentless psychological abuse compelled most people to submit to irrational and humiliating rituals, believing that it