GOVERNMENTsteria: Best Waco Anniversary Memes
GOVERNMENTsteria: Best Waco Anniversary Memes The FEDs had to burn the children in order to save them, Waco-ing the children, the ATF even raised a victory flag over the charred children and more Waco anniversary memes - we were warned! Yesterday was the anniversary of when the FEDs (starting with the ATF) decided to eliminate a group of eccentric religious people in Waco TX who had deeply embarrassed them: To recap: David Koresh and his Branch Davidians were clearly some eccentric religionist wackos BUT they were otherwise NOT bothering anyone . However, they were likely violating Federal gun laws by having some unregistered firearms. The Feds could have easily waited and detained Koresh and his key followers when they went into town to question them about any alleged unregistered guns. Instead, the Feds (specifically starting with the ATF), despite being told by informants that the Branch Davidians knew they were coming, went in with their guns blazing and were met ...