
Showing posts with the label New World Order


 Another point of view... WORLD WAR THREE WILL NOT TAKE PLACE Mass hysteria and the end of the New World Order Frank Wright The “ Four Horsemen ” of Atheism, reprising another mass cultural product. Etc. Today I go on about why we are not all going to die in a massive war,  and what is likely to happen before we all pop our clogs anyway. I am on about  the production of mass culture and its effects  here, with reference to the  present crisis and the near future  beyond it. IN BRIEF There is not going to be a nuclear war in Europe. There are good reasons for this, and I have explained them here. Click the image. Yes, I know. I don’t get to write the headlines. If you read this I explain the danger and where it is coming from and why this is not going to kick off. It makes me unpopular to say so,  but we are not all doomed. Today I will explain how the end of the world is a useful concept - aside from being weapons-grade clickbait. It is now being used ...

Face To Fasces

  Face To Fasces Evil-doers do evil Radio Far Side "Destiny’s powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it’s up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero, to right wrongs, and pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evil-doers everywhere. You don’t fight destiny. No sir! And you don’t eat crackers in the bed of your future, or you get all… scratchy. Hey, I’m narrating here!" —  The Tick , 1994 As a freelance writer and editor, I work on a lot of high-level international documents. Though they are freely available on the interwebs, very few of us actual humans ever read them, and with good reason. If I didn’t get paid to do it, I would rather pull my own teeth with tweezers. These reports, roadmaps, frameworks, and studies clearly lay out the machinery of global governance. They go into excruciating detail on the legal and regulatory foundations for how governments blend with NGOs, blend with financial institutions, blend with “stakeholders” (how I detest ...

Countless Conspiracies

  Countless Conspiracies New World Orders are a dime a dozen Joe Allen It’s easy to imagine a One World Conspiracy to control the entire planet. This idea slides right into the “Evil” slot in the human mind. When your cognitive evil-detector goes off, an imagined human cabal—perhaps wearing black robes—is liable to appear in your mind’s eye. These shadowy Bad Guys either merge with the demons in your head, creating a satanic cabal; or else the human element shoves the supernatural entities aside, bringing the “demons” down to earth as a One World old-boys’ network. You either get a conspiracy of devil-worshipers or a conspiracy of devilish humans. As with peas and mashed potatoes, it all ends up the same place. If ye ain’t careful, thar bound to get’che. I’m as prone to imagine a unified front as any other paranoiac. But that doesn’t make it true. After careful consideration, I think it’s much worse than that. A single conspiracy is an easy problem to solve—you just neutralize the ...