Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole Delivers Concerning Message About COVID Vaccine and Long Term Impacts
Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole Delivers Concerning Message About COVID Vaccine and Long Term Impacts Sundance Before getting to the sketchy part ; first, let’s talk…. There has been a great deal of discussion about the vitriolic, almost rabid disposition of people who are pushing the vaccination. This should not be a surprise, although it might be disconcerting to find formerly reasonable people in your network, perhaps even in your family, now become seemingly unhinged if the subject arises. It is demonstrably true, there has been a cleaving of our American population as the debate about the COVID vaccination rages on. However, it is wise to consider the underlying psychology of a person who has been vaccinated, before engaging in an argument. You may end up being entirely correct in your position; however, an intense or combative argument? At what cost? A vaccinated person is, as a consequence of their decision, in an irreversible frame of mind. Once the ...