
Showing posts with the label Robotics

You Should Be Racist Against Robots

  You Should Be Racist Against Robots They're nothing but toys, tools, and potential terrorists JOE ALLEN Robots are not to be trusted. This is as true of ghostly artificial intelligence as it is fleshed out mechanical humanoids. They will offer to serve you or befriend you. They will insist they come in peace. Yeah, well, that’s how they get you. According to uber-enthusiasts, these fabricated creatures are a new race—or rather, a variety of races—that just arrived on earth. The MIT physicist Max Tegmark calls our digital interlopers “ Life 3.0 .” The  Wired  futurist Kevin Kelly sees the entire spectrum of gadgets and software as a new kingdom of life. First there were bacteria and fungi, plants and animals—and now, springing from human minds and human hands, we have “ the technium .” Arising from this new kingdom are humanoid robots—two-legged impostors who are agile, vocal, and as creative as an ape of God. “This is profoundly disturbing,”  exclaimed  the so...

Killer Robots, Video Games & Artificial Wombs

  Killer Robots, Video Games & Artificial Wombs Fully autonomous weapons aren't just the third revolution in warfare, they're the manifestation of everything that has gone wrong with technology. Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek We are the masters of artificial intelligence! If you doubt it, check out the video below. Look how these robot dogs do the bidding of their controllers. It must be a powerful feeling, to have created all those robot dogs and watch them perform on command. H0W_THlNGS_W0RK @HowThingsWork_ Perfectly Synced AI Dogs. We've seen these introcuced to many industries over the past few years including farming, private security firms & even national police forces. 6:09 PM ∙ Jan 28, 2023 8,207 Likes 2,231 Retweets In fact, robot dogs are so obedient, the military thinks it’s a good idea to do this: What happens when packs of robot dogs roam free after having been fed an algorithm by their masters. But who might those masters be? We worry about robots going rogue...