
Showing posts with the label Malpractice

The secret life of gender clinicians

  The secret life of gender clinicians They are trained to practise 'heavenly deception' BY  ELIZA MONDEGREEN This was no ordinary medical conference. Over the course of three days, I learned a great many things. That eunuchs are one of the world’s oldest gender identities and that doctors should not judge their strange desires for castration but fulfil them. That, “ideally, patients wouldn’t be actively psychotic” when they initiated testosterone, but that psychotic patients consent to take medication like stool softeners and statins all the time and “people don’t pay that much attention”. That it would be “ableist” to question an autistic girl’s insistence on a double mastectomy. That patients who claim to have multiple personalities that disagree about which irreversible steps to take toward transition can find consensus — or at least obtain a quorum — using a smartphone app. It is hard to shock me these days — but as I moved around the World Professional Association for Tra

Propaganda, Eugenics, Gender

  Propaganda, Eugenics, Gender When illustrious leaders of the opposition cannot define what a woman is , you got to ask yourself, what the hell is going on? Why is all this overrated, X-rated smut being peddled from every direction? Have we really flooded school libraries with homoerotic books aimed at 6 year-olds? Whose idea was it to enshrine drag queen-story hour as a rite of passage? And since when was it acceptable for creeps with schoolgirl fetishes to have unsupervised, intimate conversations with our kids ? In any other time, it would be named indecent exposure or worse grooming. But not today. Self-indulgent narcissism is the gold standard of self-expression. The conversations people ought to be having with their therapist have become prime time debating points . It’s another day another carnivalesque parade of blokes in frocks swanning around social media , the creepier and more degenerate the content the more of an inalienable right it is to rub your nose