
Showing posts with the label Go Woke Go Broke

ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down On Woke Even As They Lose Billions

It’s been a bloodbath for the majority of companies that go overtly woke in the new era of American consumer rebellion, and the establishment is not happy. Corporations like Disney, Anheuser-Busch and Target are plunging in profits and losing billions in market cap after pledging fealty to the trans agenda. In particular, the public is setting out to make examples of institutions that support trans indoctrination of children. Simply put, a line in the sand has been crossed. With conservative boycotts far more effective than leftist boycotts ever were, the movement makes evident that the political left is a paper tiger and that conservatives and independents have the real majority power in the US.  In response, the media is claiming that this movement is a form of  “economic terrorism.”  That is to say, if you refuse to support the woke hive mind with your wallet, you should be considered domestic enemy.  It took long enough, but average Americans are finally engaging in a culture war w

Is It Beer Thirty Yet?

  Is It Beer Thirty Yet? From sacrament to sacrilege RADIO FAR SIDE Few people stop to think just how vital beer is to the human race. The Babylonians built temples to  Ninkasi, the goddess  of beer and brewing, and the Hammurabic Code had strict laws concerning the ingredients and process of brewing beer. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all took brewing very seriously and ancient breweries are discovered on a regular basis. Of course, most serious beer drinkers know about the German  Reinheitsgebot .\ In my own Celtic and Anglic cultures, every home brewed their own. The best brews drew visitors, and eventually those homes became inns and public houses (pubs), and even town breweries. One town brewery that became famous for its top-fermented lager was a sleepy Czech town called  ÄŒeské BudÄ›jovice . Their top brew is called Budwar, or in Germany Budweiss. Very long story short, this beer recipe and technique made its way to America, were it spawned a mega-corporation called Anh

Countdown To New York's Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility

Countdown To New York's Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility March 15, 2023 /   Francis Menton The race is on to see who hits the green energy wall of impossibility first. California, Germany and the UK (the “Poseurs”) might seem to have leapt early into the lead positions. But New York is now making a strong sprint to catch and surpass them, so it can be the first to splatter its citizens’ flesh and blood all over the impenetrable barricade. The Poseurs accumulate vast green progressive virtue credits for ridiculous promises, but their promises all have dates so far in the future that today’s politicians will be long gone when the crash detonates. Germany promises 100% of electricity from renewables by 2035 . Whoopie! Chancellor Scholz will be out tending his unfertilized Spargel gardens long before then. In California they don’t promise 100% renewable electricity until 2045, by which time Governor Newsom will likely be not just retired but dead. Who has sufficiently pure