America's Jewish Supremacist Problem
America's Jewish Supremacist Problem MARK WAUCK Jewish Supremacist control over the US government is leading America down dangerous paths. Yesterday, Doug Macgregor made a strong case that Jewish Supremacist ideology could lead America into a global hot war (edited excerpts from a much longer video; I’ve presented rather full excerpts to give an idea of the scope of Macgregor’s concerns): On the Edge of Nuclear War? Colonel Douglas Macgregor & Professor Glenn Diesen I think the ruling class in Europe and in the United States is losing its grip on power. I really do. I think this globalist/neocon class that has opened your borders, admitted tens of millions of people that no one asked for--who cannot be assimilated, who don't want to assimilate who want to essentially settle and conquer you and us, to be blunt--is part of the problem. The electorate, at least in the United States, I think increasingly in Continental Europe, is awakened to this danger an...