Greetings from a Brand-New MENA (Middle East/North Africa) Iran-Saudi rapprochement reverberates all the way to Morocco Video link On this week’s False Flag Weekly News “J-Mike” Springmann fixed his audio glitch and joined me to comment on the week’s top news stories, which were almost all variations on an overriding theme: The Anglo-Zionist Empire has gone off the cliff and, like Wile E. Coyote, hasn’t yet looked down and realized it’s about to plunge to its demise. The neocons, who took over the empire on 9/11/2001 and have been driving it off the cliff ever since, seem to think they can lie their way out of any self-inflicted predicament. (“We’re an empire now, and we invent our own reality…”) People notice you blew the World Trade Center to kingdom come? Say it was jet fuel. Your bio-attack on China and Iran goes south? First blame batty pangolins, then the W.I.V. Sy Hersh exposes your pipeline terrorism? Start by blaming Putin, then invent some lunatic lie about ...