
Showing posts with the label War on Terror

Still Bleeding Syria

  Still Bleeding Syria The Rothschild state and it's Empire host dust off an old script with help from the Turks. Good Citizen In the wake of Trump’s first selection in 2016, Good Citizens might recall the Syrian  civil war  US-Israel-backed war suddenly ground to a halt. It was as if a construction site was in full building mode with  worker bees  Mossad and CIA-funded Jihadis running around  getting work done  killing, beheading, pillaging, and raping Christians, Kurds, Druze, Yazidis…well any non-Sunni Muslims who happened to be unlucky to cross their paths when suddenly they all got a page on their non-exploding beepers from Tel Aviv and Langley that said to shut down  construction  the terror and retreat to the north and west. Within one month the remaining Syrian men and boys still fighting for their country kicked off the first football game in five years inside Aleppo’s stadium. Amidst the waste and rubble and piles of hundreds of tho...

That's All Folks! (Redux)

 Thanks to Saint Jimmy (Russian American) for recommending this article... That's All Folks! (Redux) CJ HOPKINS Well, what do you know, it looks like we’ve got another “CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY” on our hands. Yes, that’s right, folks, THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE … again! Which means (surprise!) that it’s probably time to declare another STATE OF EMERGENCY and take some sort of EMERGENCY MEASURES to protect humanity from LITERAL FASCISM, or RUSSIA, or CHEAP FAKES, or a VIRUS … or whatever. I didn’t watch the presidential debate — it took place at 2AM here in Germany — but I watched as much as I could stand the following morning, and I read a few headlines in the corporate press, and … well,  it appears that’s it for Biden . Normally, at this point, I would pen a column full of colorful adjectives and gratuitous adverbials skewering the entire spectacle, but (a) lots of others are doing that — albeit sans the gratuitous adverbials — and (b)  I’m still on medical lea...