
Showing posts with the label Revolution

The Real Revolution Is Underway But Nobody Recognizes It

Revolutions have a funny characteristic: they're unpredictable. The general assumption is that revolutions are political. The revolution some foresee in the U.S. is the classic armed insurrection, or a coup or the fragmentation of the nation as states or regions declare their independence from the federal government. By focusing on the compelling drama of political upheaval we're missing the real revolution, which is social and economic: the Great Resignation , a global movement which in the U.S. has largely unrecognized American characteristics . The Great Resignation is the real revolution which few if any recognize. The status quo is going to great lengths to dismiss it, for example, The Great Resignation: Historical Data and a Deeper Analysis Show It’s Not as Great as Screaming Headlines Suggest , because this revolution is not controllable with force and is therefore unstoppable. The sources of the revolution are in plain sight: you rig the economy to enrich

The collapse of western bourgeois democracy. Why and what comes next?

The collapse of western bourgeois democracy. Why and what comes next? Toby Rogers I’m still chewing on this line from Giorgio Agamben’s book,  Where are we now? The epidemic as politics  (to read my earlier book review click  here ). Agamben’s thesis, repeated throughout the book, is that: We are experiencing the end of an era in the political history of the West, the era of bourgeois democracy founded on constitutions, on rights, on parliaments, and on the division of powers. This model was already facing a crisis: constitutional principles were increasingly being ignored, and the executive power had almost entirely replaced the legislative by operating — as it now does exclusively — through legislative decrees [aka “executive orders”]. With the so-called pandemic, things went further: what American political analysts called the “Security State” — which was established in response to terrorism — has now given way to a health-based paradigm of governance that we term “biosecurity”. It

The 6 Components of Creating an American Free Market Network

The 6 Components of Creating an American Free Market Network by Aden Tate The struggle on American soil to access necessities is challenging and will only continue to worsen. I believe there is a workaround to this, though: creating an American Free Market Network (AFMN). An AFMN is a concept for creating a more accessible and resilient community while still enabling you to purchase what you need to purchase. When the world at large refuses it to you, an AFMN will allow you to communicate with others. We already see this in France, the Philippines, Australia, Canada, and other countries across the globe. Business owners and others are denying people access to restaurants, grocery stores, and other sellers of goods simply because those people don’t have particular papers. Teachers and children are having things forced upon them. Employees throughout those countries are as well. Here are the components of what an American Free Market Network entails. #1 Local food free market network It’

Living in the Age of Covid: "The Power of the Powerless"

Living in the Age of Covid: "The Power of the Powerless" Michael Rectenwald A specter is haunting the world: the increasing prospect of a new totalitarianism under the extended covid response. Unlike the specter of communism, or the specter of “dissent” to communist dictatorship that Václav Havel ironically identified in his groundbreaking essay “The Power of the Powerless,”[1] this specter originates from those in power and not from the revolutionary or the powerless.[2] And rather than haunting only Europe or Eastern Europe, this specter casts its long shadow across the future of all humanity, such that one wonders how one might plan, if at all, for this future. Mixed into this spectral fear are grave doubts promoted by some about the intentions of world leaders and a medical and technocratic elite apparently bent on new lockdowns, masking, and mandatory mass vaccinations. Heterodoxies burgeon in the shadows. The mere mention of these heterodoxies will rank one among the he

What If Afghanistan is More Than Just a Failed War?

What If Afghanistan is More Than Just a Failed War? Tom Luongo The U.S. Empire is in freefall. Good. Afghanistan has reverted to nativist control as expected. The ‘goat-herders’ there remain unconquered. The speed of the Taliban’s takeover doesn’t surprise me because the groundwork for it has been in process for years. Only the U.S. State Department under both Mike Pompeo and now Antony Blinken opposed this. If you’re angry this morning you can thank Russian diplomats who started this process in December 2016 by opening up the dialogue between the Taliban and the Asian powers with Pakistan leading the talks. I can’t say I’m shedding any tears here except for all the losses on both sides. War is never righteous. So, while I’m happy to see this end I am also sad to also see this end for what it is, a planned act of geopolitical vandalism by the  Biden  Obama Administration to ensure a complete collapse of the U.S. political system. We are being liquidated by  The Davos Crowd  at the prec