The U. S. of GAY
The U. S. of GAY How much enthusiasm, exactly, I am obliged to display for gay sex? Judging by the rainbow-corporate-government fusion, I think it’s a lot. JENNY HOLLAND Warning: this essay is rated M for mature. Very crude language contained herein. I’m going to do something this week that I don’t normally do, and that is write my Substack on the same topic that I wrote about this week for another publication . Events have just taken such a ludicrous turn, it’s quite clear we now live in an absurdist satire and I — for one — simply cannot pass up an opportunity to match the terribly poor taste of our current culture with some poor taste satire of my own. This week the Biden White House hung the “Progress Pride” flag from the portico of the White House, in between two American flags. The Biden administration also held an event at which a be-titted man flashed his plastic funbags in front of the White House and posted it on Instagram. While I appreciate the high levels ...