
Showing posts with the label Biotech

The Demiurge Of Technocracy

  The Demiurge Of Technocracy by  blueapples   For a while, Elon Musk left a tweet pinned to the top of his X account that read “X as humanity’s collective consciousness.” Although it seemed innocuous,  the metaphysical undertones of the message alluded to an underlying influence that categorically shapes the agenda of the ruling elite: esotericism.  While the idea of a collective consciousness is often examined through an exoteric lens in which its surface level application on a sociological level is analyzed, the deeper dimensions of the concept give insight into the motives behind what drives the ruling elite. The power harnessed from that deeper knowledge is evident from the god complex the elitists in the upper-most echelons of society exhibit. In an age of ascending technocracy influencing the fabric of society instilled by the powers that be which govern it, another esoteric concept illustrates not only how they operate but what their ultimate aims are. T...

Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon

Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon The Corbett Report by James Corbett We've all heard of mRNA "vaccines" by now. In fact, no matter where you are in the world and no matter how switched on to Big Pharma and its scamdemic tricks you may be, you doubtless know people who took the mRNA jab. Perhaps you were even coerced into it yourself. But have you heard about the  next  generation of "vaccines" that Big Pharma is preparing to unleash upon the public? They're called sa-mRNA vaccines, or "replicon" vaccines, and they've already been approved in Japan, where they are expected to start rolling out as early as next month. If you're concerned about the dangers of the mRNA "vaccines," you should be  very  concerned about the threat posed by these new experimental replicon "vaccines." Let's examine the details. MEET THE REPLICONS Image courtesy of  this article . Don't mind the typo in the image title! (Trust...

Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology In COVID Bioweapons: Remarkable Longitudinal Study And Culture Work Of COVID Shots For Up To 12 Months And Cellular Toxicity Studies

  Another Confirmation Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology In COVID Bioweapons: Remarkable Longitudinal Study And Culture Work Of COVID Shots For Up To 12 Months And Cellular Toxicity Studies BREAKING: COVID SHOTS INSTALLED NANOBOTS New Japanese study proves Pfizer and Moderna v*ccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” entities, invisible to the human eye, which swim, wiggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures, which cause clots inside the body. (What embalmer Richard Hirschman found and exposed in the film Died Suddenly). Dr. Young Mi Lee and Dr. Daniel Broudy from Okinawa Christian University discovered these “undisclosed additional engineered components” by isolating unused vaxx vials for 3 weeks, and then examined them under 400X magnification. Lee and Broudy saw that when the nanotechnology was energized it created “discs, chains, spirals, tubes, and right-angle structures.” The researchers, who published their findings in the International Journal of Vaccine ...