
Showing posts from August 8, 2021

The Variants of COVID Madness: Stepping Into the Breach

Omar Khan The Variants of COVID Madness: Stepping Into the Breach Ellie Wiesel, and I am paraphrasing here, suggested that whenever human rights are threatened or people are marginalized, stripped of their humanity, the center of the universe shifts there. Well, the center of the universe is extremely mobile these days. It is hovering with David Turner’s son who he reported being in the ICU for three days from a second vaccine dose with myocarditis and chest pain. He writes, ‘Docs say they’ve seen 60 other boys with this. Want to help pay the $100k bill? The vax is experimental and not FDA approved. More caution, testing, and zero censorship is needed.’ The center of the universe must surely have been present as we saw a German policeman literally smack a young boy approximately 9 years of age during a protest. Where does that maliciously impotent fury, striking out at the utterly vulnerable and defenseless come from? The center of the universe surely made a pit stop as an elde...