Watch "How the US created the Taliban and al-/Qaeda, & Afghanistan war profiteering" with Ben Norton
Propaganda Today: How US created Taliban & al-Qaeda, and behind Afghanistan war profiteering Ben Norton · August 24, 2021 The Grayzone’s Ben Norton launches his show Propaganda Today discussing US war profiteering in Afghanistan and how the CIA gave birth to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Propaganda Today is a weekly show that Ben hosts at the independent video platform Rokfin . In his first stream, he talks about corporate war profiteering in Afghanistan, and debunks media myths claiming Washington supposedly “spent $2 trillion and got nothing for it.” In reality, 80 to 90% of US war spending in Afghanistan returned to the US economy through private for-profit US contractors. And the top five weapons-manufacturing military contractors received more than $2 trillion in US government funding during the war. In the rest of the video, Ben documents the history of US meddling in Afghanistan, going back to the 1970s...