
Showing posts with the label BIRD FLU

They’re coming for your backyard chickens…

They’re coming for your backyard chickens… Kit Knightly Since the “bird flu outbreak” first hit the headlines  OffG has been predicting  how the inevitable agenda would unfold. The first impact was as obvious as it was predictable – the price of chicken and eggs went up, this was just another front in the  war on food . The second planned impact was less immediate, but just as predictable if you know how to read the media, and potentially far more harmful in the longterm – clamping down on alternative chicken farming. This includes both organic farms and individuals keeping their own chickens in their garden. It didn’t take long for the media to prove us right. In fact the Guardian has done it twice in the last ten days. Firstly, last Thursday, the Guardian ran  this article :  “Spread of ‘free-range’ farming may raise risk of animal-borne pandemics – study” Sponsored by the NGO  Open Philanthropy , this piece reports that organic and free-range farming could increase the risk of a zoo

The Chicken, The Egg, or the Spook's Match?

The Chicken, The Egg, or the Spook's Match? Which came first? Good Citizen Cigarette man has been busy the past year. The intentional economic, energy, food, supply chain, and dollar controlled-demolition rolls on. Yesterday I briefly touched on Uncle Sam’s inflation, from the first-person perspective of Uncle Sam’s inflation. The job of managerial state functionaries is to convince the American people of an alternate reality and not to believe their lying eyes (Ukraine, Putin, Gas prices, Everything prices, Vaccidents, Groomers, “Disinformation”, White Supremacists, Guns, Drooping celebrity faces). In the USSA, reality is a narrative production based on whatever the government says it is. Wall Street Silver @WallStreetSilv They're laughing at us, this is planned for the "Great Reset". Timeline video with all of their quotes. Please retweet. Sound ON June 10th 2022 9,789 Retweets 19,967 Likes 91 days ago I wrote about all this engineering chaos and pain as the sco