
Showing posts with the label Economy

Everything Is Awesome!

Americans Largely Satisfied With Their Personal Life STORY HIGHLIGHTS Steady 83% satisfied with the way their personal life is going Majorities satisfied with finances, lifestyle, opportunities, social life Satisfaction varies by income, age, marital status, education level WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The 83% of Americans who are at least somewhat satisfied with their personal life matches the historical average since 1979, and broad majorities of U.S. adults likewise report they are satisfied with nine specific life aspects. Between 81% and 90% of U.S. adults are either “very” or “somewhat” satisfied with their family life, current housing, education, job, community and personal health, while 71% to 77% express the same degree of satisfaction with the amount of leisure time they have, their standard of living and their household income. Personal Satisfaction Matches Average Since 1979 Americans’ satisfaction with their overall personal life has ranged from 73% to 90% in Gallup’s periodic meas

Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand

CLUSTERFUCK NATION – BLOG December 30, 2022 Forecast 2023 — Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand James Howard Kunstler “The powerful are panicking, and so they should. Their secrets are leaking.” —Miranda Devine “It’s all just snake oil. We want to save the planet, and the life upon it, but we’re not willing to pay the price and bear the consequences. So we make up a narrative that feels good and run with it.” — Raul Ilargi Meier “2023 could be a pivotal year for USA if the pervasive lies can be exposed, digested, and believed. All that exposure has to happen amidst continuing boondoggles toward the Great Reset agenda.” – Truman Verdun “More borrowing only ever makes sense if you are expecting a larger economy in the future.  All economic expansion is based on energy.  Countries with energy can expand, those without cannot.” —    Chris Martenson “To be an enemy to America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” —   Henry Kissinger “The incorrect narrative provided by mai

The Monopoly - Labor "Let It Rot" Death Spiral

The Monopoly - Labor "Let It Rot" Death Spiral Charles Hugh Smith The only rational response to this reality is to  opt out, lay flat and let it rot. In my previous post,  The Bubble Economy's Credit-Asset Death Spiral ,  I described the self-reinforcing feedback of expanding credit and soaring asset valuations  and how the only possible result of this  financial perpetual motion machine  was a death spiral of collapsing debt service, collateral and credit impulse. But this didn't exhaust the destructive dynamics of this  self-reinforcing wealth-creation machine for the few  who own the vast majority of the assets.  As longtime correspondent T.D. explains, this concentration of the benefits of financialization in the hands of the few also concentrates political power and the wealth to distort every function of the economy to enrich the few at the expense of the many. This concentration of wealth and corruption isn't cost-free.  As I've discussed here many time

"The economy" vs. prosperity

"The economy" vs. prosperity Ultimately, "the economy" is about what we are. Is it any wonder that the Great Resetters want to change what it means to be human? Alex Krainer The term "economy" gets tossed about in the media every day, personified in statements like, "the economy is slowing down," "the economy is stagnant," or "the economy is booming." The unspoken assumption is that we all know exactly what "the economy" is. But what most of us refer to when we speak about the economy are the statistics about certain economic activities. The economy itself is the aggregate of people going about their lives and making a living. That entails essential activities like procuring food, apparel, shelter, transport, communications and health care. If those needs are sufficiently provided for, the population can increasingly allocate its capital and productive potential toward improvements in education, public administration