Did Jesus Cause Climate Change?
Did Jesus Cause Climate Change? Arguments against claims that climate change is caused by human activities NE - NAKEDEMPEROR.SUBSTACK.COM Look at the graph above. It shows the temperature in Greenland over the last 8,000 years. Between 8,000 and 5,000 years ago the temperature was around 2 degrees warmer than it is today. After that it drops around 2.5 degrees over the next 3,000 years. But look what happens around 2,000 years ago, temperatures spike up 1.5 degrees. What happened around 2,000 years ago? Jesus was born. Did Jesus cause climate change and the spike in global temperatures? No, of course not. I was being facetious. But it is the type of argument you would encounter from the cult of Net Zero. They see a spike in temperature and try to blame it on the latest zeitgeist without exploring all hypotheses. The graph comes from an old video in which Professor Jorgen Peder Steffensen from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen discusses ice core data. He and...