The Road to AI Utopia, Paved with (Empty) Splendors
Thanks to Saint Jimmy (Russian American) for recommending this article. The Road to AI Utopia, Paved with (Empty) Splendors Simplicius Last month Sam Altman wrote a fanciful blog post which has stirred discussion within the tech industry. He titled it The Intelligence Age . The chief thesis which the narcotically optimistic post espouses is the following: In the next couple of decades, we will be able to do things that would have seemed like magic to our grandparents. It’s almost all you need to know to understand the gist behind much of Altman and his cohort’s foundational beliefs, or even ethos , driving their near-pathologically obsessive accelerationism toward AI singularity—or what they conceive as such. It has all the hallmarks of blind Utopianism. The examples of coming achievements he gives seem myopically ratcheted to first order effects, never considering second or third order consequences as should responsibly be the case. Let’s go through some of them befor...