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Message received How cultural messaging is distorting our perception of reality PETER FROST American Airlines advertisement (1968). In addition to selling a product or service, advertising can serve a broader purpose, such as changing our culture. Dutch people underestimate the crime rate of dark-skinned immigrants while overestimating the crime rate of light-skinned immigrants, including Roma, Turks, and Chinese. Our perception of crime, and reality itself, is being distorted by the messaging of modern culture. The crime news is unfair to Negroes, on the one hand, in that it emphasizes individual cases instead of statistical proportions ... and, on the other hand, in that all other aspects of Negro life are neglected in the white press which gives the unfavorable crime news an undue weight. Sometimes the white press "creates" a Negro crime wave where none actually exists. (Myrdal, 1944, pp. 655-656) Gunnar Myrdal wrote An American Dilemma at the dawn of the civ...