The Control Group
The Control Group German study comparing the health of vaccinated & unvaccinated. NE - NAKEDEMPEROR.SUBSTACK.COM Andreas Hoppe , a German mathematician and data analyst with over 24 years of experience in science, has been working with a team of about 15 scientists, doctors, and professionals from other fields to collect data on vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals since mid-2021. Their initiative is called " The Control Group ", based on a medical concept that has been in use since the 19th century. The purpose of a control group is to provide a comparison group that is not treated in a specific way, to determine if a treatment is effective and safe. Hoppe explained that the procedure of using control groups, and even double-blind control studies where neither the participants nor the therapists know who is getting the treatment, is essential for proper evidence-based medicine. However, with the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines, the control group methodology was no...