
Showing posts with the label Militarism

Deindustrial Warfare: A First Reconaissance

  Deindustrial Warfare: A First Reconaissance January 31, 2024 John Michael Greer Leave a comment This January has five Wednesdays, and in the usual way of this blog, the fifth Wednesday gets an essay on whatever topic the readers select by vote. As usual, it was a lively contest, but this time one of the perennial underdogs—warfare in the deindustrial age—came out on top. That didn’t surprise me greatly.  The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East have been on many minds recently, not least because neither of them has been working out the way that our politicians and pundits insisted they would. A genuine revolution in military affairs is taking place right now, and no, it’s not the one that was so loudly ballyhooed in intellectual circles a couple of decades back. The claim in the 1990s was that computer technology had opened the way to a new kind of war, in which information would flow from the battlefield to headquarters and back, giving commanders total control over hypercomplex, hug

War: oligarchy's great silencer

  War: oligarchy's great silencer Imperial wars are primarily directed at the empire's domestic populations. Foreign enemies are only interesting if there's booty to plunder. ALEX KRAINER James Madison  wrote that, "If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will come in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." Today this statement no longer seems like a remote risk for the "free world." Indeed, we are witnessing an escalation of attacks against the foundational values which, not so long ago, we were taking for granted: freedom to travel, free speech, the right to bear arms, etc. Of course, the popular resistance to these infringements is also escalating. A class war is afoot and it’s getting worse The American people, one of the last nations that still defends their right to bear arms, are clearly responding to the attacks on their Second Amendment with more gun purchases; the defense of free speech has spilled into the social media like a tsunami;