
Showing posts with the label Herds of useful idiots

We the People vs. the Sheeple

  We the People vs. the Sheeple A complex love/hate relationship DONALD JEFFRIES Despite my self-evident cynicism and my reflexive skepticism, I am basically a trusting soul. Even though I know how corrupt and unreliable so many people are, still I instinctually give them the benefit of the doubt. Until proven otherwise, I assume most people aren’t dishonest, and take them at face value. This kind of delicate balancing act is how I manage to issue blanket condemnations of the “Sheeple,” while still being concerned about the welfare, and the rights of The People, which includes those who are oblivious to the criminal tyranny all around them. It’s not easy being a populist, of promoting power to The People, when so many of them are brainwashed enough to lash out at messengers like me, who are simply trying to defend their civil liberties. Who knows how many of them would support throwing people like me into the FEMA camps, for pointing out how badly they’re being screwed? They’ve been co


  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WESTERN POLITICAL CLASS? GAIUS BALTAR There are several reasons why the non-western world is increasingly severing ties with the West. One of them can be described as the “breakdown of diplomacy” in the West, which more accurately refers to the almost total abandonment of diplomacy by western leaders and diplomats. Incidentally, this didn’t start with the war in Ukraine, but about a year earlier. Something happened right after the election of Joe Biden which seems to have switched the western diplomatic gene off, so to speak, and switched on the threat gene instead. Not that there was much diplomacy before, but things can always get worse – and they have. A breakdown of diplomacy doesn’t quite describe how bad things have become. The behavior of US and European leaders has become increasingly unhinged and any semblance of rationality has been abandoned. It is impossible to listen to western leaders without coming to the conclusion that something is very wrong.