
Showing posts with the label The Science


  HERE IS JUST SOME OF WHAT THEY LOST WITH THEIR VERY OWN "PANDEMIC" There is no New World Order here, just a fantasy of one DR. MAXIMILIAN C. FORTE The town criers, the Covidian doomsday shriekers, the perpetual alarmists, the upholders of a pandemicism as a new mode of living, the defenders of the stay-at-home class, the Uber Eats + Instacart lifestyle lobby, the wearers of masks in Zoom meetings—in a nutshell the self-proclaimed progressivists of the left-liberal variety—all of these have done massive damage to some of their own cherished values and principles. Some may see pandemicism as ushering in a new world order, but it’s amazing to see just how much of the fabric of that order has been shredded. The biggest own goal in history may yet prove to have been 3/11. Here is a brief tally of the damage done: 🔘  “my body, my choice” —gone. They surrendered. They conceded that millions of “unvaccinated” people had no such right. Rights for some but not others are not rights

Scientists Discover Animals Breathe

  Scientists Discover Animals Breathe BY   BRIGGS Scientists— Expert  scientists—have discovered that animals breathe. And they are none too happy about it. For these same scientists tell us that animal respiration contributes to global warming. Now called “climate change.” And things that contribute to global warming, now called “climate change”, should not be allowed, because “climate change”, once called global warming, is bad. Why? Don’t ask. When I saw this shocking new research, I became alarmed. I knew there were a lot of animals in the world, and the wretched beasties breathe. Just how bad could animal breathing be? I checked. Insects, once source claims, number some  10 quintillion . Which is 10^18. Which is a lot. Ants alone account for some  20 quadrillion breathers . That’s 20 x 10^15. Ants breathe. They suck up oxygen through what passes for their skin and, what’s worse, emit  carbon dioxide  through that same non-skin! And as every schoolchild has pounded into them from b

24 year CDC lab director blows the whistle on the 'pandemic,' a hysteria driven by junk science

  24 year CDC lab director blows the whistle on the 'pandemic,' a hysteria driven by junk science From the early days of Wuhan to the Diamond Princess fiasco to the mRNA shot regime. JORDAN SCHACHTEL Part of the mission of The Dossier is to promote courageous independent thought, true expertise, and factual insight, and we found someone who can provide enormous clarity about “ the pandemic ” and the pseudoscience that assisted in driving three years of hysteria. I wanted to share some thoughts with you from Dr Norman Pieniazek, a renowned molecular biologist who worked at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as the head of its molecular diagnostic laboratory for 24 years. Dr Pieniazek is an expert in PCR testing diagnostics and has a fascinating perspective on the shoddy science behind “the pandemic.” We interviewed Dr Pieniazek ( follow him on Twitter ) on a related topic and will be publishing some of that information very soon, but first, we wanted to share some of his thou