
Showing posts with the label Tyflocracy

Tyflocracy: The New Art of Oppressive Governance

Tyflocracy: The New Art of Oppressive Governance The Ethical Skeptic Imagine a new form of totalitarian governance, composed of non-elected officials who have been indoctrinated into believing that they hold a superior intellect and humanity to those whom they were appointed to serve. Imagine a new form of government so convinced of its own virtue mandate and the contrasting original sin of its constituents, that it has adopted the view that its own citizens are now a less-than-human enemy – no longer worthy of the full slate of human rights. Tyflocracy is the form of social agency (both government and non-governmental power) which manages by the blind or Nelsonian eye. It enforces both the absence of agency for, and the embargo of examination of – that which it opposes or wishes to exterminate. Imagine a single dominant Party which incites  Kristallnacht  violence in the streets, smashing windows and burning businesses, because they hold that The Party and their billionaire C...