
Showing posts with the label Managerial Class

Seeing Eye Dog Democracy

  Seeing Eye Dog Democracy By  Tim Hartnett Ah, ye of little faith. I’m talking about the faithful, of course. Aren’t they the dangerous misfits who keep defying a clergy of experts into whose hands all fate must be placed? Why won’t the miscreants accept that junior is doomed without the options of hormonal therapy, a little black dress and pronouns? Synods of the new religion pass over at 30,000 feet downing Sauterne with their foie gras. More earthly members of the congregation must follow another set of commandments. They include restricted travel, an unpalatable diet and 24/7 contrition for, supposedly, dodging victimhood. The infidel must be de-platformed, unfriended, debanked, dehumanized, excommunicated and demonetized for preaching another gospel. Strangely though, even as we are commanded to heed, the high-priesthood keeps most of what it has to say out of public earshot. It’s a system that works a lot like the higher bar of behavioral standards for the unordained. March 20 t

‘Democracy’ Means Never Having to Hear ‘You’re Fired!’

  ‘Democracy’ Means Never Having to Hear ‘You’re Fired!’ On fortifying managed democracy from ‘political interference’ N.S. LYONS I try not to let myself get dragged into writing quick reaction pieces on breaking news or stuff other people write. It’s a bad habit of the internet age. But what can I say, sometimes I just can’t help it. Sometimes something is just too juicy to resist. Sometimes something is just too pertinent an example of what I’ve been trying to  talk about here . Sometimes something causes me to eye-roll so hard I briefly pass out and come to with a burning desire to tweet something – except I don’t have Xitter, only Substack, so… I just came across an article fresh from the online pages of  Government Executive  (“From Swamp Parasites, For Swamp Parasites” is the magazine’s tagline, I assume). It’s mundanely titled “ OPM issues its final rule for Schedule F protections ,” and while that may not mean much to you it’s worth us taking a closer look at it, because this i