Transhumanism as the dominant ideology of the fourth industrial revolution
Transhumanism as the dominant ideology of the fourth industrial revolution Klaus-Gerd Giesen In Journal international de bioéthique et d'éthique des sciences Issue 3-4, 2018 , pages 189 to 203 Translated and edited by Cadenza Academic Translations Translator: Ruth Grant, Editor: Matt Burden, Senior editor: Mark Mellor Introduction In this volume dedicated to transhumanism, it is important to slip in, however furtively, a few words from political science. In essence, political science is the study of power relations and how they are justified and contested. Viewed from this perspective, “transhumanism” takes on a crucial significance. In fact, transhumanist thought is all about transcending our “natural” human condition by embracing cutting-edge technologies. The movement has already passed through various stages of development, after first emerging in the early 1980s—although “transhumanist” as an adjective was deployed as early as 1966 by the Iranian-American futurist Fere...