
Showing posts with the label CO2

If You Want To Control CO2, You Have to Cull The "People"

 Original title! "If You Want To Control People, You Have To Control The CO2"   As farmer protests rage across Europe,  Dutch MP Rob Roos  sits down with  The HighWire's Del Bigtree  to discuss the climate scam pushed by radical globalist elites in the Western world to seize more power and control.  "They [elites] go against family values. They go against natural food. They go against freedom - because if you have to buy an electric car. They're almost twice as expensive - and people cannot buy that - it's not about the car - it's about you can't go anywhere and must depend on public transportation," Roos explained.  He said, "It's also digitalization - what we see is the digital identity and central bank digital currency - this is all about a new form of communism."  "If you want to control the people, you have to control the CO2 - because everything we do in life, breathing, living, traveling, eating, and everything we do in

All Their Stupid Ideas Can be Reversed and We Will Make the Deserts Bloom

  All Their Stupid Ideas Can be Reversed and We Will Make the Deserts Bloom We will restore the very ground of our being ELIZABETH NICKSON Did none of the Masters of the Universe take Marketing 101? I know it’s a quasi-discipline, much  déclassé , for the peons in flyover country who sell widgets to live, but it does determine the world. What do you want to buy with your disposable income? What food, what house, what car, what do your children lust after?  Shopping decisions determine the shape of the real world, where real things happen. For some people, it’s their only opportunity for self-determination, and take it they will. This fundamental human characteristic is described perfectly by a graph, a chart. The  Marketing Curve  has been around for fifty years, and its one assumption is that human desire is the primary driver of the economy. We are divided into forerunners, innovators, early adopters and late adopters and it holds true for digital products, politics, vacations, and h

Wash it all Away...

 Enjoy the Music!  

New Study Upends Modeling, Finds Earth’s Rocks Are A Net Source Of CO2 Rivaling Volcanic Emissions

  New Study Upends Modeling, Finds Earth’s Rocks Are A Net Source Of CO2 Rivaling Volcanic Emissions Posted by Brandon Campbell For decades rock weathering has been thought to be a net sink in carbon budget models. New research finds rock emissions are a large net source of CO2 to the atmosphere. A few years ago  Buesseler et al., 2020  discovered that all of the climate modelers’ previous estimates of global ocean carbon uptake are substantially wrong because they were measuring from the fixed “canonical fixed 150-m depth.” The alleged new-and-improved way to assess carbon uptake is from much shallower depths: the euphotic zone (Ez). This is the section of the upper ocean layer that sunlight is able to penetrate, and it can “vary from less than 20 m to almost 200 m” in depth. When the variable Ez depth is used to estimate carbon absorption versus export, the absorption estimate changes by more than a factor of 2, from 2.8 petagrams of carbon (PgC) per year to 5.7. Now, new research re