
Showing posts with the label SPIKE PROTEINS

Neuroinflammation & the Zombie Mind

  Neuroinflammation & the Zombie Mind Stunning interview with Dr. Michael Nehls JOHN LEAKE Yesterday a Substack reader graciously sent me the link to Tucker Carlson interview with Dr. Michael Nehls. Without question, it is the most stunning interview I have ever seen. To explain just why I found it so stunning requires a few prefatory remarks. When I finally came down with COVID-19 in June 2022, I carefully recorded my physical and mental states. My primary symptoms were: 1). A general feeling of malaise that reminded me of a nasty hangover. 2). Extreme fatigue. I immediately treated it with the McCullough Protocol and was able to perform my normal activities on day three, including a long walk. In some ways the illness resembled severe colds I’d had in the past, but it was utterly unique in the way it affected my emotional state. For two weeks I was beset with a general feeling of depression and frequently plagued with gloomy thoughts. I asked Dr. McCullough what he thought about

☕️ Coffee & Covid - JACKPOT ☙ Tuesday, August 8, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠

  ☕️ JACKPOT ☙ Tuesday, August 8, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 A special single-issue roundup about a blockbuster new study that probably just blew the lid off the government’s covid coverup. Strap in, this might be the most important C&C post this year. JEFF CHILDERS Good morning, C&C, it’s Tuesday! Get ready. Today we have a special single-issue roundup about a blockbuster new study that probably just blew the lid off the government’s covid coverup. Strap in, this might be the most important C&C post this year. 🗞💬  WORLD NEWS AND COMMENTARY  💬🗞 🔬 The puzzle pieces continue to fall into place, and a significant new puzzle piece dropped last week, in the form of a preprint published to MedRxIV on July 31st, titled “ SARS-CoV-2 Uses CD4 to Infect T Helper Lymphocytes .” Although “just” a preprint, it features no fewer than  seventy-seven  authors. And it has already gathered three positive peer reviews. Let’s start with their conclusion, and then try to unpack what it means.