
Showing posts with the label Event 201

If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit

 Thanks to Who D. Who for recommending this article... If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit  Americans who really do believe in INDEPENDENCE ought to crash this party MARK CRISPIN MILLER Remember Event 201, the war game—er, “tabletop exercise” that took place at the Johns Hopkins “Center for Health Security” on Oct. 15, 2019, cosponsored by that outfit along with Bill/Melinda Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation? If you  do  remember that “event,” you might also recall the rollout of “the coronavirus”  three months later. That interesting coincidence suggests that we—or those of us who didn’t much enjoy the last “pandemic,” and want intensely not to see another one—pay close attention to the date of this  next  predatory confab: October 3/4. If indeed the past is prologue, those dates suggest the  possibility  that “bird flu” will start to crush the world (or what’s ...

When The Arsonist Predicts a Fire

 Thanks to Manfred127 for recommending this article... When The Arsonist Predicts a Fire You Better Believe It Dr. Syed Haider A 2018 article describes how Bill Gates at the time was predicting a coming pandemic which would kill 30 million people within 6 months. We know from the work of RFK Jr. in his book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, that Gates and Fauci began collaborating at that time, some would suggest planning for the coming pandemic.  Matthew Crawford at his excellent substack ‘Rounding the Earth’  has written  that he was certain when the banking systems overnight  “repo market”  interest rates suddenly spiked in 2019 there would be some calamity brought forth to produce a controlled demolition of the global financial system and provide cover for a coming economic collapse that was at that point baked into the cake.  Along with most of us he didn’t have a global contagion event on his radar like Bill Gates,  the DOD  and perhaps the lar...

COVID: "It's A U.S. Government Operation"

COVID: "It's A U.S. Government Operation" Why is America's intelligence community so involved in the global COVID vaccine campaign? Emerald Robinson A week ago, I discussed how  the Department of Homeland Security filed for a patent  regarding “fusion proteins containing luciferase” in 2017, and  was granted the patent in 2019 . Luciferase has only one purpose in medicine: tracking things. That’s all the proof you need to understand that the U.S. government is building a global surveillance state where people are tracked  biometrically in real time . How does the Biden regime get you tagged with Luciferase? Through the new vaccines of course. PatrioticMamaaa @patrioticmamaaa Turns out that @EmeraldRobinson was right and is owed an apology from @newsmax ! The covid vaccines DO contain Luciferase! It’s literally in the patents on their own website… #VaccineMandate #Moderna #Pfizer #CovidVaccine #DoNotComply November 7th 2021 4 Retweets 7 Likes I talked about h...