Night of the Living Refugees
Night of the Living Refugees America 2.0 goes full Third World Donald Jeffries Recently, our beloved migrants- of untold numbers from all over the world, have been in the forefront of the news. Well, when I say all over the world, I should emphasize it’s the nonwhite world. That’s an integral feature of this ugly phenomenon. And it’s more essential to the Great Replacement than Affirmative Action ever was. First, we heard about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings in Chicago. The police were said to be oddly disinterested, as were the local authorities. A mayor called it “fake news.” In response to yet another apartment building takeover in Aurora, Colorado, there were rumors that the Hell’s Angels, of all people, were going to ride to the rescue and do the job American police wouldn’t. But as must see TV as that would have been, a battle between outlaw bikers and U.S. government sponsored migrants never transpired. The fact checkers told us that there was “no evidenc...