
Showing posts with the label Diversity

The Monsters are Turning on Zionism

  The Monsters are Turning on Zionism The anti-White agenda at play DONALD JEFFRIES It has been refreshing to see so many in the alternative media speaking critically about Zionism, and even questioning the wildly disproportionate amount of Jewish influence in the media and government. This was first precipitated by Israel’s heavy handed response to “Hamas,” and then the firing of Candace Owens by Daily Wire. Anyone who has lived through the past fifty years understands the anti-White agenda. The Great Replacement. Under the auspices of gradualism (think the boiling frog analogy), the White Patriarchy, which had been firmly in control of society since the founding of the Republic, began to slowly but consistently cede power to women and minorities. More importantly, the White males who remained in power in effect became figurative women or minorities themselves. Self-hating to a degree the world had never seen before. Still wielding power, but doing it with an invisible gun held to the

Obama's Vision: Death Falling from the Sky

Obama's Vision: Death Falling from the Sky Analyzing Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 and Spirit Aerosystems: Failures and the Fostering of Deadly Incompetence. TRYGVE E. WIGHDAL Don’t you miss Obama? From the Marketer of the Year  Award  he was given in 2008 to the  Nobel Peace Prize  he was awarded in 2009, it was just one small step for a man, but one giant leap into the abyss of madness and criminality for the country. With him, the Cabal in power that placed him into the White House—the spirit of  'I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply,'  apocryphally said by Nathan Mayer Rothschild (b. September 16, 1777, d. July 28, 1836) is alive and well in the British former colony—entered a new era of Orwellian cynicism. Since Obama’s ascent to the pantheon of manufactured greatness, war has indeed been peace, and our collective ignorance is now our