
Showing posts with the label Language

Of Journalists, Students and Power

  Of Journalists, Students and Power PATRICK LAWRENCE The original Gaza Solidarity Encampment, just minutes after NYPD arrested ~100 protesters, and still surrounded by a large protesting crowd of students as well as bystanders. عباد ديرانية, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons The American media are never short of red-letter days when it comes to their wonderful combination of superciliousness and irresponsibility. But last week the mainstream dailies and magazines went all the way to scarlet and alizarin crimson. The brighter the better, I say, when the derelictions of our media are on display such that readers can no longer miss the deceptions and distractions that are at this point their intent. I was reading along over breakfast last Thursday in search of the overnight news on the Israeli–U.S. genocide in Gaza when I came upon the headline in The New York Times, “Laundry Detergent Sheets Are Poor Cleaners.” Wow. This is a story The Times had been following since its April 5 opener, “Th...

Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech

  Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech Mind control is a real threat and we are all affected GREG REESE Climate Denier, Racist, NAZI, and Antisemitism, are words that have been exhaustively misused to psychologically beat people into a submission of shame. It is a human-control technology that works on many people. When you point out the facts which expose the man-made global warming theory as a hoax, you are called a Climate Denier or a Science Denier. We are expected to trust the science even if it doesn’t scientifically add up. The group mind has been conditioned to look down upon those who question the official narrative. And the word Denier, or Denial, has been made into a curse. This deceptive word play, along with the term ‘Hate Speech’, both stem from the Holocaust Denial trials of the 1980s. In 1983, the founder of the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, who was a holocaust survivor, filed a private complaint against German-born citizen, Ernst Zündel, before ...

The Roots of Radicalism and the Structure of Evil

The Roots of Radicalism and the Structure of Evil   Edward J. Curtin, Jr.     My title is redundant for a reason, since the root of the word radical is the Latin word,  radix , meaning root.  For I mean to show how the use and misuse of language, its history or etymology, and ours as etymological animals as the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gassett called us, is crucial for understanding our world, a world once again teetering on the edge of a world war that will almost inexorably turn nuclear as events are proceeding.  If our language is corrupted, as it surely is, and political propaganda flourishes as a result, the correct use of our language and the meaning of words becomes an obligation of anyone who uses them – that is, everyone, especially writers. The United States government exists to wage war .  In its present form, it would crumble without it; and in its present form, it will crumble with it.  Only a radical structural change will p...

Tracking Orwellian Change: New Meanings of "Deep State" and "Working Class"

  Tracking Orwellian Change: New Meanings of "Deep State" and "Working Class" When left/liberal fixations fall out of establishment favor, they're re-christened as conservative menaces MATT TAIBBI Retired perfect killing machine Jeff Bridges. Thanks to a great response last week to an article about  Klaus Schwab’s creep-tastic use of the term “transparency ,” I’m pressing forward with a  Devil’s Dictionary -style lexicographical project, tracking multitudinous dystopian alterations to American political speech. I absolutely want the list to be a collaboration with  Racket/ Substack readers, so this and future entries will feature open comments sections. I see this list working best if it also functions as a usage tracker,  à la  the  Oxford English Dictionary.  The best gift my father ever gave me was a full  OED , a monstrous rack of volumes that still sits devouring space in my house, daring me to look up the earliest recorded use of  ...