
Showing posts with the label Conformity

The Weakening and Corruption of an Entire Generation of Rebels

  The Weakening and Corruption of an Entire Generation of Rebels BY  MARK OSHINSKIE     Many 2020-22 Americans, who consider themselves more sophisticated than their 1950s counterpart, nonetheless embraced Coronamania’s nonsensical lockdowns, school closures, masks, testing, and vaxxes. What cultural changes caused people to go from the radical, “anti-Establishment” 1960s and cynical Watergate/post-Vietnam/“Do your own thing” 1970s to the gullible, government-believing/medical expert-worshiping 2020s?  As usual, I’ll begin with a contextualizing, slice-of-life story; two prosaic stories this time, which occurred fifty years apart. In 1972, my father was an electrician in an auto assembly plant. His employer provided hospitalization coverage for our family. My parents paid any other medical or dental bills out-of-pocket. That winter, I broke my leg doing sports. After an exam, X-rays and the application of a full-leg plaster cast, my mother wrote the Friday night, on-call, non-hospital

Woke is fascist

  Woke is fascist PAUL CUDENEC I have sometimes been criticised for describing the society being ushered in since March 2020 as “fascist”. That word has become so misunderstood and misapplied, associated with superficial historical detail rather than with underlying essence, that some argue it is not an appropriate label for what we are experiencing today. So it has been reassuring to read  The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State  [1] by Simon Elmer of Architects for Social Housing, which, as the title suggests, comes to similar conclusions to those I reach in  Fascism Rebranded: Exposing the Great Reset . The author insists: “We are now a fascist society in everything but name, and ready to form a properly fascist state under the new forms of sovereign authority that rule over the Global Biosecurity State”. [2] Elmer must be blessed with the ideal brain for a good architect: not only does he have an overall vision of the structure of society, but he also pa