
Showing posts with the label BioNTech

Building the mRNA Empire

  Building the mRNA Empire "The brain created science and now it will be subordinate to it.” ~ Edward Hunter KAREN HUNT AKA KH MEZEK We are on the verge of a new world empire, ruled by health & safety Czars who are finalizing their plan to control the populace through the consistent administration of drugs, most specifically, of mRNA “vaccines”. In order to accept this truth, we must start with the harsh reality that the United States is a drug culture and that is the example we have set for the world. This isn’t the first time I’ve said this, and it won’t be the last. It is this attachment to drugs, this faith in the lie that they can somehow save us, that is proving to be our downfall. The first step to recovery is admitting the problem. But this is difficult to do when so many millions of people genuinely believe they cannot survive without drugs. The tragedy is many cannot survive because they have been medicated for so long that going off the drugs would, literally, kill