
Showing posts with the label Censorship

Katherine Maher is Worse Than a Leftist

  The article is better than the title... Katherine Maher is Worse Than a Leftist BY  ANDREW LOWENTHAL Katherine Maher, NPR’s new CEO, has been in the spotlight for more than a week now as the straight-out-of-casting avatar of peak woke and peak institutional attainment. But Katherine Maher is not a liberal or a leftist. Though she apes identitarian thought bubbles you won’t find her on a picket line, or splitting any of her previous  800k annual Wikipedia salary  with the downtrodden. I don’t remember it being a trait of the Left to work at the World Bank, the National Democratic Institute, and HSBC, intern at the Council of Foreign Relations, be a WEF young leader, or a fellow at the Atlantic Council, a NATO-affiliated think tank. Maher is what I call a Cosmopolitan Authoritarian – a cultural libertine that institutional power has anointed into the charmed circle. I crossed Maher’s path several times on the digital rights conference circuit but met her only once  when I made the mist

Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America

  Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America What Should Be the Fate of the Genocider-in-Chief? ANTHONY JAMES HALL The drama unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank, and more generally in West Asia is announcing a new phase in the fall of Western Civilization as we have known it. At the core of the drama is a very public ceremony of human sacrifice in the joint US-Israeli ritual to depopulate Gaza and rid the West Bank of its native Palestinians. The conflict is widening geographically, religiously, and ideologically. US universities are becoming major sites of the intensifying turmoil. These places are meant to be devoted to higher learning, open debate and critical thinking. But those ideals are fast giving way to assaults on very promising surges of free expression. Attempts are underway to wrestle to the ground the outbursts of liberated articulation. The quest to silence free speech is being done in the name of quelling so-called anti-Semitism. The ironies are great