
Showing posts with the label Victoria Nuland

RUSSOphobia: Best Victoria Nuland Memes (The War Pig Will "Retire!")

  RUSSOphobia: Best Victoria Nuland Memes (The War Pig Will "Retire!") Darth Vader Nuland, the fifth horsewoman of the apocalypse war, evil transforms you, her work is nearly done (Ukraine's destruction) & more war whore/pig Victoria Nuland memes as she plans to retire! Good news for anyone opposed to World War III:  Russian hatting war whore and Ukraine’s real ruler  Victoria  Nudelman  Nuland  is leaving the Biden Regime: Gonzalo Lira  had done some videos about Victoria Nuland that also mentioned her father and grandfather - a victim of the Odessa pograms in the early 1900s who suffered from syphilis and helped to drive his son, Victoria’s father, nearly insane. Here is his short video discussion about her and her in-laws - the  Kagan  war mongering  Institute for the Study of War  family: Here is the much longer version: Her father was also interviewed a few times where he talked about the family history plus he wrote a book...