
Showing posts with the label American Empire

War: oligarchy's great silencer

  War: oligarchy's great silencer Imperial wars are primarily directed at the empire's domestic populations. Foreign enemies are only interesting if there's booty to plunder. ALEX KRAINER James Madison  wrote that, "If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will come in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." Today this statement no longer seems like a remote risk for the "free world." Indeed, we are witnessing an escalation of attacks against the foundational values which, not so long ago, we were taking for granted: freedom to travel, free speech, the right to bear arms, etc. Of course, the popular resistance to these infringements is also escalating. A class war is afoot and it’s getting worse The American people, one of the last nations that still defends their right to bear arms, are clearly responding to the attacks on their Second Amendment with more gun purchases; the defense of free speech has spilled into the social media like a tsunami;

Should America Dominate the World?

A little bit of Umanity Dissonance! By Edward Ring July 19, 2023 F orty years ago, during the final decade of the Cold War, nobody had any illusions about America being perfect. Without wallowing in the topic, we all knew our nation had ongoing social and economic problems, and that our history was filled with examples of oppression. But for most Americans, understanding the grim reality of life for people living in the Soviet Union provided clarity. It was understood that no country is perfect, and compared to the USSR, living in America was paradise. The argument that America, by a wide margin, is the lesser of two evils, does not get the traction today that it got during the Cold War. But there is no justification for its diminished relevance. Despite alarming new challenges to the rights and freedoms of American citizens, the gap between America and its contemporary rivals, Russia and China, is as wide as it’s ever been. And in the case of China, the magnitude of the threat they