US Taxpayers Paying For Israel & MAGA’s Have Been Trumped
US Taxpayers Paying For Israel & MAGA’s Have Been Trumped by Helena Trump’s newest tease of potential VP’s is a hodge podge of Zionists and anti-Russia militants. And people are getting jittery. Is this a double switch? Why else would he allow the same regime that rules Biden to continue their legacy under a Trump presidency? Kennedy Jr. wants to jail anyone who is deemed a climate change denier. And hope is slowly divested. Regurgitating the mantra that China wants to take over the world, we are listening to Biden’s Handlers controlling Trump’s mouth. NUKES on Taiwan! What the fark? Has Trump trumped The People? Tim Scott is funded by AIPAC. JD Vance was a 2016 ‘Never Trumper’ who has been a politician for one year while writing for CNN and WAPO. Rubio is a neoconservative funded by Soros. Kirsti Noem voted for antisemitism speech to be illegal and su...