
Showing posts with the label Australia

Despite Horrifying State Violence, Brave Australians Continue to Resist COVID Police State

Despite Horrifying State Violence, Brave Australians Continue to Resist COVID Police State Matt Agorist   Unless you’ve been under a rock, or you only get your information from mainstream media — who is all but completely ignoring it — you’ve likely seen the  utterly disturbing police state measures  being rolled out in Australia in the ostensible reaction to the pandemic. Though the pandemic has largely spared the country when comparing them to other places, the tyranny being rolled out is unprecedented. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Australian government has been increasingly restricting freedom until people were essentially locked in their homes and told not to talk to one another. Military  helicopters patrolled  neighborhoods, ordering those who simply wanted to get a breath of fresh air, to get back inside. Jackboots on horses patrolled the streets as folks who attempted to organize protests were visited by police and  snatched up in the night.  The Australian governme