
Showing posts with the label Cult of the Rainbow

The Statistic No One's Allowed To Study

  The Statistic No One's Allowed To Study Why are so many transgender prisoners sex offenders? MARY HARRINGTON A Detroit  billboard  educating passers-by on what they’re allowed to notice Another day, another new report showing that half of trans prisoners are sex offenders. The report, obtained via a 2022 public records request to Wisconsin’s Department of Corrections, shows that  of the 161 men in Wisconsin jails who self-reported as transender, 81 (50.3%) were sex offenders . This figure is borne out scross the English-speaking world. In 2017, the UK feminist group  Fair Play for Women  showed via Freedom of Information requests that roughly  half of the trans-identified male prisoners in the United Kingdom were sex offenders . Was this a blip? Was it a misleading statistic, based on too small a sample? The BBC’s “fact check” team  did their best  to make this seem plausible. In the intervening years, though, figures dragged from other prison services around the Anglosphere show

Meet the New Feminist Hate, Same as the Old Feminist Hate

  Meet the New Feminist Hate, Same as the Old Feminist Hate Only a blinkered ideologue could frame a standard trans insult as an expression of (you guessed it) "male violence against women" JANICE FIAMENGO Seriously, radical feminists: get a new narrative. The old one is as sagging and uninteresting as … well, never mind. Recently,  criminology professor Jo Phoenix  conferred with  GB News  host Andrew Doyle  about the escalating war of words between trans activists and anti-trans feminists. Never mentioned in the discussion, not surprisingly, is the link between trans fantasies of righteous violence and feminist fantasies of same. The occasion was a speech by  Sarah Jane Baker  at a large London Trans Pride event. Baker is a violent male ex-con who now identifies as a woman. In the speech, widely circulated on social media, Baker told the crowd, “If you see a TERF, punch them in the f**king face.” TERF stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminist, and “punching TERFs” has