
Showing posts with the label Identity Politics

Magical Negroes, Eclipses, and the Collapse of Zionism

  Magical Negroes, Eclipses, and the Collapse of Zionism Trying to keep it real DONALD JEFFRIES Last week, we had a total eclipse of the sun. For some reason, human beings always get excited about an event they’ve probably experienced at least a handful of times in their life. But then again, people at least in my neck of the woods, still become spellbound when the snow starts to fall. Maybe it’s a form of childish innocence. Here in the D.C. swamp suburbs, nothing much happened on the day of the eclipse. Well, actually nothing at all happened. It didn’t really even get overcast. My extremely sensitive and high strung golden retriever Riley didn’t seem to sense anything out of the ordinary. We took one of our countless walks outside during the eclipse, and she wasn’t distracted from sniffing various spots of ground, rolling playfully in the grass, or acting as if every person walking, most of them with their own dog in tow, was holding a big check from Publisher’s Clearing House. I nev

The Monsters are Turning on Zionism

  The Monsters are Turning on Zionism The anti-White agenda at play DONALD JEFFRIES It has been refreshing to see so many in the alternative media speaking critically about Zionism, and even questioning the wildly disproportionate amount of Jewish influence in the media and government. This was first precipitated by Israel’s heavy handed response to “Hamas,” and then the firing of Candace Owens by Daily Wire. Anyone who has lived through the past fifty years understands the anti-White agenda. The Great Replacement. Under the auspices of gradualism (think the boiling frog analogy), the White Patriarchy, which had been firmly in control of society since the founding of the Republic, began to slowly but consistently cede power to women and minorities. More importantly, the White males who remained in power in effect became figurative women or minorities themselves. Self-hating to a degree the world had never seen before. Still wielding power, but doing it with an invisible gun held to the