
Showing posts with the label Magical Thinking

I Am Very Confused

  I Am Very Confused Please Teach Me About This Biology Dr. Byram W. Bridle A social media message from the Canadian Cancer Society was just brought to my attention. As a cancer researcher, I like to try to stay abreast of developments in this area. I highly recommend screening to achieve early detection of cancers. The earlier a cancer is detected, the better the prognosis. However, I am genuinely confused by this message… Here is the full  message . At first, I thought that I must be holding onto an outdated definition of what a trans woman is. It was my understanding that a trans woman is biologically a male who self-identifies as a woman. But this would not make sense, because a biological male does not have a cervix and, therefore, any recommendation for screening for cervical cancer in a trans woman would be that they do not require this particular screening because they do not have a cervix. It is my understanding that trans women can have what is essentially a tunnel surgically

The Cell Phone Is a Pair of Red High Heels

  The Cell Phone Is a Pair of Red High Heels ejcurtin     It is comical how easily one can be ignored for pointing out that new technology is dangerous and fetishistic.  So-called “smart” cell phones are a prime example.  For years I have been pointing out their dangers on many levels. To say most people are devoted to them is an understatement.  Maybe it is an exaggeration to say they revere them, but if asked, they will say they couldn’t live without them.  It’s sort of like saying I don’t revere my partner but couldn’t live without her or him.  Ah love! But what’s love got to do with it?  Love and romance are out of date. Sex is a just a quick fill-in when there’s a break in the technological action.  Creative and erotic energy is pissed away on trivia.  Being lost and confused and having no time is in. But only the latter can be admitted. Busy busy busy!  Beep beep beep as the eyes go down to the screens.  Thumbs athumbing or voices talking to the gadgets, while the busy beavers fo

The Nature of Enchantment

The Nature of Enchantment John Michael Greer Back in the autumn of 2020, as the Covid virus and the US presidential election monopolized headlines across the corporate media,  I made a post  here talking about Max Weber’s famous claim that “the disenchantment of the world” was among the core features of modernity, and the then-recent challenge leveled against that claim by Jason Josephson-Storm in his book  The Myth of Disenchantment . That post and the theme it began to explore opened quite a rabbit hole into the deep places of culture and the human psyche, and I didn’t pretend to be able to wrap things up in a single essay of modest length.  I finished up the post, in fact, by noting that my work on the theme was still in its early stages, and promised to post more when I’d gone further. Two years later—why, here we are. For the benefit of those readers who weren’t following this blog two years ago, and who don’t have the spare time right now to go back and read the earlier post, the

mask hallucination

mask hallucination we cannot afford another foray into frightened quackery el gato malo why, it's almost as if turning anxiety afflictions into forms of validation and virtue signaling for two years has made the pathologies of many people who were already struggling mentally/emotionally much, much worse. i mean, who would have seen THAT coming? even leaving aside the “um, so what meds have we got you on doc?” issues of “is this some sort of psychosis?” and being as charitable as possible in the presumption that “toxic green clouds” was intended as imagery and metaphor, it still raises some truly unsettling questions about mental health (and medical judgement). why would one chose such an image? and what does it imply about one’s perception of the world and of patients that heretofore normal human experience undergone by doctors, teachers, bus drivers, parents, friends, and anyone who ever went to a movie (among a cast of billions more) is now deemed too terrifying and dangerous? an