
Showing posts with the label Military

Cultural Replacement: Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered

 More on the border from Alt-Market... Cultural Replacement: Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered By Brandon Smith There is absolutely no doubt – Elements of our own government are deliberately encouraging the acceleration of illegal immigration across the southern border and they are actively sabotaging any attempts to stop the madness. There are two questions we need to ask: Why are they doing this? And, what can be done to stop them?’ In a move that I think debunks any claims that the Biden Administration wants a secure border, the federal government recently challenged Texas efforts to install border fencing and barbed wire to prevent the massive influx of foreigners raiding the US. This is after several incidents in which convicted criminals and terrorists have been identified among migrant groups. The measures were working, so obviously, Biden felt the need to intervene. A majority of the Supreme Court has also taken Biden’s side, forcing Texas Governor Gre

Meet the Russians

  Meet the Russians THE CORBETT REPORT by James Corbett Here's a simple observation: when knowledgeable Americans discuss American politics, they can talk in detail about the various fault lines in the American government. They can expound at great length on the Squad's role in influencing the policies of the Democratic Party, for example. And they can assess the policy proposals of various third-party candidates. And they can detail the history of the turf battles between the FBI and the CIA or tell you how the FBI under Hoover differed from the FBI under Mueller. And, if they're really informed, they can even discuss the role of  Citibank  or  Goldman Sachs  or  BlackRock  in picking the Cabinet of this or that administration and identify the various vested interests that are served by placing, say,  Tom Vilsack  in the role of Secretary of Agriculture. Likewise, Canadians will be able to opine on the deeper political significance of Pierre Poilievre  mu