
Showing posts with the label Police State

Democrats Respond to Trump’s Plea to Kill Police State FISA Act

  Democrats Respond to Trump’s Plea to Kill Police State FISA Act PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS The House Democrats, not the Republicans, Respond to Trump’s Plea to Kill the Unconstitutional FISA Act, while the Republicans Vote for the Police State Measure The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was passed as a result of the public hysteria that was orchestrated in response to a non-existent “Muslim terrorist threat” that was spun off of 9/11, the only claimed Muslim terrorist act in the US, an event now understood as a neoconservative operation to create “the New Pearl Harbor” necessary for their wars in the Middle East against Israel’s enemies. The FISA Act was totally unconstitutional as it vitiated the US Constitution’s prohibitions against arrest and spying without warrants. The FISA Act is a police state measure and nothing else. That Americans, Congress, and the federal courts accepted it proves the absence of any commitment to freedom. In this pre-election fundraising season we h

The Rise and Fall of the Second Amendment

  The Rise and Fall of the Second Amendment The People vs. the Occupying Force DONALD JEFFRIES Everyone has undoubtedly heard about the shooting during the Super Bowl victory parade in Kansas City. These victory celebrations always bring the potential for trouble, what with all those young males consuming prodigious amounts of alcohol. And they draw the worst elements; the seemingly perpetually armed gang-bangers. The shooting has triggered the yawningly predictable response from the “Woke” crowd. Which at this point means nearly our entire government and corporate leadership. One marvels at how many times clueless celebrities can breathlessly tweet out, “We have to do something about this!” or “We are failing the children!” It’s odd how the inanimate object- the gun- is always the Oswald-style patsy in these incidents. Often the names of those wielding the inanimate objects for no good are barely mentioned. Quick; name the Parkland school shooter. The Pulse gay night club shooter. It’

The Wide, Wide World of Imprisonment

  The Wide, Wide World of Imprisonment Some internments are more equal than others DONALD JEFFRIES A discussion of involuntary incarceration seems appropriate at this point, as Israel continues to bombard the Palestinians who are in effect their prisoners. In 2006, Israeli senior official Giaora Eiland described Gaza as a “huge concentration camp.” That’s not a “conspiracy theorist” saying it- it’s one of our beloved allies. That same year, 2006, a much ballyhooed election was held on the West Bank in Gaza. The Americans, under the great Dubya Bush, pushed for such an election, and called it “democracy promotion.” However, as often happens, “democracy” didn’t go the way they wanted, as the dreaded bogeyman Hamas won the election. Even Jimmy Carter gave his imprimatur, declaring that it was “honest and fair.” Except that the “wrong” people won. Can’t have that in a “democracy.” So the forces of freedom, meaning America and Israel, instituted one of their notorious blockades on Gaza in r