
Showing posts with the label Sexual Abuse

Adult who, at 17, sexually assaulted child is sentenced to juvenile facility

Thanks to GypsyFreyja for recommending this article... Adult who, at 17, sexually assaulted child is sentenced to juvenile facility Los Angeles Dist. Atty. George Gascon has drawn criticism for choosing not to seek to try Hannah Tubbs in adult court.  (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times) BY  MATTHEW ORMSETH STAFF WRITER  A 26-year-old transgender woman who, at age 17, sexually assaulted a child will serve a two-year sentence in a juvenile facility rather than a jail for adults, a judge ruled Thursday. The case of Hannah Tubbs, who has admitted sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in 2014 in the bathroom of a Denny’s restaurant in Palmdale, has thrown a spotlight on Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón’s refusal to seek the transfer of juvenile defendants to adult court. Gascón has argued that the brains of juveniles aren’t fully developed and that the proper setting to rehabilitate people who commit crimes while underage is a juvenile treatment facility. Although Tubbs committed


WHITE GIRLS’ SACRIFICE By  Poppy Coburn GROOMING GANGS: A STATE WITHIN THE UK STATE In 2017, the BBC premiered a three-part mini-series entitled  Three Girls . The program was centred around the Rochdale grooming gangs, dramatising the abuse and subsequent court case from the perspective of three underage victims. Perhaps even more harrowing than the depiction of sexual violence was the institutional unwillingness of the police and the local council to grapple with the scale of the organised child abuse.  The drama was showered in accolades: the three young actresses portrayed the agony of the abused children with skill and sensitivity, and the decision to show on-screen sexually violent acts hammered home the horror of the Rochdale scandal. I found myself both horrified and relieved — horrified that such a miscarriage of justice had been allowed to happen, yet relieved that the national attention the incidents had received would prevent such repugnant crimes from happening again.  The